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Yellow to March

Hello everyone,

Welcome back to my blog. I've been busy upgrading the website with the help from the lovely Katy@mint rainbow. We've added a shop! And made is brighter and more beautiful. I love it!

This year my work is going to be focusing on colour. In fact I'm working in one specific colour for each month. As you may have guessed March is all about yellow. Yellow is a happy colour for me. It ties in with the approach of Spring and there are many lovely yellow flowers out in the garden: crocuses; narcissi, aconite, primroses.... Of course yellow ranges from soft creamy yellow (like Crocus Cream Beauty, to bright almost neon daffodils. Many people I know don't like yellow in their garden (what's that all about) but then I like really bright pink and people don't like that much either...

So here's to a month of positivity, more light and sunshine, hope and lots of pancakes (well I eat them all the time anyway. Especially after a swim).

Have a lovely day! x


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