March awareness

March is a happy time for many, it definitely is for me, as the daffodils are popping up waving their beautiful yellow heads at us and reminding us that Spring is nearly here. Yellow is also my colour for the month of March so it all ties in marvellously.
(Of course there are other wonderful yellow flowers in the early part of the year: hammemelis, mahonia, nmimosa, crocus, and more).
But the humble daffodil is also the emblem for the Marie Curie charity that provides care and support for those that are terminally ill and their families.
March is also the awareness month for these as well:
Ovarian cancer
Deep vein thrombosis
Brain tumour.
So, while we need hope and positivity, let's think of those who may be suffering or are affected by any of these diseases. May we beable to support those that are and be aware of our own health. Get checked out if you are worried.
Happy March everyone x